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Howard Brinton


Daisetz Sukuki

John Yungblut

Mary Carol Richards



Joseph Campbell

Robert Bly


Marion Woodman

Sylvia Brinton Perera


Donald  Kalsched

FCRP Historical Index

Index of FCRP Conference Programs


1943 Nature and Laws of Our Spiritual Life

Howard Brinton, Douglas Steere, Panel discussion


1944 Psychiatry and Religion

Anton Boisen, Gilbert Kilpack, Panel discussion


1945 Prayer and Modern Man

Hornell Hart, Panel discussion led by Robert Clark


1946 The Search for Inner Life and Peace

Dryden Phelps, Mary Stein, Elined Kotschnig, Henry Cadbury


1947 Symbols as Tools of Spiritual Growth

Martha Jaeger, James Forsythe, Werner Heider


1948 Growth Toward Wholeness

Thayer Smith MD, Gerardina Van Dalfsen, Gilbert Kilpack, J. Calvin Keene, Jesse Holmes


1949 The Child Within: Discovery, Acceptance, and Nurture

Dora Willson, Elizabeth Anthony, Joseph Myers, Martha Jaeger, Derek Kitchin


1950 Our Eternal Ground and Estrangement & Reunion

Gerald Heard, Paul Tillich, Howard Brinton


1951 Creation from Conflict

Riwkah Schaerf, J. Calvin Keene, Elined Kotschnig


1952 The Choice Is Ours

Clarence Pickett, Izette deForest, Thomas Bighan, Margret Ostrowski, Katherine Paton


1953 Religion, Psychology and Education

Fritz Kunkel


1954 Intimations of Immortality

Daisetz Suzuki, Calvin Keene, Elined Kotschnig


1955 Living in Relationship, or The Conflict of Cooperation Elizabeth Howes, Sheila Moon, Luella Sibbald


1956 Male and Female Created He Them: Sexual Difference in Relation to Wholeness

Irene Pickard, Albert T. Mollegen


1957 The Roots and Fruits of Hostility

Leon Saul, MD, Robert Clark, MD


1958 The Life of the Spirit Today: Spiritual Growth Through Group Search

Ira Progoff


1959 The Authority of the Spirit in Quakerism

Howard Brinton, Joseph & Teresina Havens


1960 Religious Experience and Its Communication In Christian Tradition & Eastern Religion

Arthur W. Hummel, J. Calvin Keene


1961 Paradoxes of Life and Death

Harmon Bro


1962 Paradoxes of Rebirth

Harmon Bro


1963 The Search Will Make You

Bernard Phillips


1964 Wholeness and Prayer

Thomas Hora, M.D.


1965 Psychological Aspects of the Negro-White Revolution James Whitney, M.D.


1966 Creative Encounter

William Stewart Nelson


1967 Male & Female: Journey to Self Through Meeting, Myth & Dream

Christine Downing, Richard Underwood


1968 The Essence of Manhood and Womanhood

Elined Kotschnig, John Yungblut


1969 Anger and Personal Growth

Ira Progoff


1970 Touchstones of Reality: Beyond Psychologism and “Self-Realization”

Maurice Friedman


1971 Wrestling with the Daimonic

Mary Carol Richards, Dorothea Blom


1972 Beyond Autonomy

Edith Wallace, Robert Scholz


1973 Survival in a Mad Society

Douglas Heath


1974 Separating and Connecting

Christine Downing, Jan Clanton, Diedrick & Barbara Snoek, Joseph & Teresina Havens, Helen Bonny, Christopher Beck


1975 Healing

June Yungblut, Nancy Kline, Amy Kurkjian, Estelle & Jean Burroughs, Frank Culley, Michael


1976 Exploring Myths We Live By

Joseph Campbell


1977 The Child Within

Clare Keller, David Hart, Douglas Hitchings


1978 The Mysteries of Change

Edith Sullwold


1979 In Darkness and in Light

Taylor Oughton, Herta Joslin, Diedrich Snoek


1980 The Path of the Heart: Aspects of Love

Louis Savary


1981 In the Service of Divinity

Rachel Hillel, Silvio Fittipaldi, Joe & Teresina Havens


1982 Engaging the Feminine

Silvio Fittipaldi, Herta Joslin


1983 Opening the Way of the Spirit in the World

Robert Johnson


1984 Walls into Doorways

Elise Boulding


1985 Meeting the Stranger Mimesis

Samuel And Evelyn Rothchild Laeuchli


1986 Chrysalis: No Longer Who We Were, We Know Not Who We May Become

Marion Woodman


1987 The Wounding and Healing of Men

Robert Bly


1988 Befriending Creativity, Befriending Our Divinity

Matthew Fox


1989 Witnessing the Fire: Addiction and Transformation

Linda Leonard


1990 Power and Grace in a World of Shards: Gathering the Fragments to Heal Earth and Self

James A. Hall M.D.


1991 A Natural Fire: Patience and Passion on the Spiritual Journey

David Whyte


1992 Meeting the Holy Shadow: Our Role as Incarnators of the Divine

Janet Dallett


1993 Leaving My Father’s House: Finding My Own Voice 

Marion Woodman


1994 “Renaming the World:” Seeking Anew, Afresh, Again

Elizabeth Watson


1995 “Forced into Its Nature:” Masculine Aggression as a Path to the Soul

Eugene Monick


1996 Deeper into the Heart: Opening through Meditation

Mary Orr


1997 Embracing the Mystery of Change

Carol Pearson


1998 The Truth about Adulthood: Tales from Around the World

Allan Chinen


1999 Patterns in Mind, Nature and Psyche

Michael Conforti


2000 Change, Language and Healing: Challenging Our Cherished Assumptions

Robert Duggan


2001 Understanding Patterns of Denial

Michael Conforti


2002 Taking the Celtic Bull by the Horns

Sylvia Brinton Perera


2003 Sparks of the Divine: Finding God in Unexpected Places

Drew Leder


2004 Trauma and the Soul

Donald Kalsched


2005 The Path Outward from the Deepest Place: Toward Ecological, Cultural, and Psychological Healing in Community

Mary Watkins


2006 A Deeper Vision of Spirituality and Evil

Lionel Corbett


2007 Eco-Centric Development Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche

Bill Plotkin


2008 Collective Wisdom: Group Alchemy for a New Consciousness

Alan Briskin


2009 Healing Through the Dark Emotions

Miriam Greenspan


2010 Towards a Radical Democracy of Spirit: The Mystical Roots of America

Jeff Kripal


2011 Eastern Light: Quaker Spirituality Viewed Through the Lens of Buddhist Practice

Steve Smith


2012 The Inseparable Body and Soul: Complexes, Dreams and Shadows

Barbara Goodrich-Dunn


2013 Trauma and the Soul: Trauma and Transformation

Donald Kalsched


2014 Psycho-Spirtual Approach to Human Development And Its Interruption: The Journey of Healing From Jung to Neurofeedback

Stephen and Robin Larsen


2015 The Archetypes of Aging: Cultivating and Satisfying the Wise Spirit

Alden Josey


2016 Reconnecting Self, Soul and Earth: Bearing Witness to Our Global Moment

Joanna Macy


2017 The Problem of Evil: A Spiritual and Psychological Exploration

Lionel Corbett, MD


2018 Trauma: The Brain, the Body and Compassionate Witness

Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Joe Weldon, Noel Wight


2019 Trauma and the Soul: Mystical Dimensions of Trauma and Healing

Donald Kalsched


2020 Kairos, Kronos, and Coronavirus Time

The first Virtual FCRP gathering


2021 The Alchemy of an Extraordinary Year and its Potential for Personal Transformation

Marian Dunlea, Monika Wikman


2022 The Neurobiology of the Spirit:  Compassionate Witness and the Chemistry of Healing

C. Sue Carter and Stephen W. Porges


2023 BodyDreaming:  Self-Regulation, Jung, and Neuroscience in Trauma Recovery

Marian Dunlea


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