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WFCRP General Information

Washington Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology has been meeting annually in February since 1977.  We are a “miniconference” of Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology which has been meeting in Pennsylvania since 1943.  WFCRP is similar to our parent organization,  but is a smaller conference lasting 2.5 days instead of 3.5.  Like FCRP, we explore ways to strengthen the inner life of the Spirit. We are part of a spiritual community that seeks to discover and nourish our own deepest process, and to uncover ways in which this process can help us live in the everyday world more focused and grounded in our spiritual reality.


Themes of the conference incorporate the Quaker belief in the Inner Light, as well as the principles of depth psychology, with particular emphasis on the work of C.G. Jung. Meeting for worship, plenary sessions, group drumming, small group experiences, and informal dialogue nurture our conference community and help us to understand the life of the Spirit. Affiliation with the Religious Society of Friends is not necessary to attend.


The Conference is organized and administered entirely by a Planning Committee composed of conference attendees who volunteer their services. The Committee meets several times during the year. The Committee welcomes the participation of any attendee who wishes to become part of this process.  


To contact the current WFCRP Planning Committee please visit the Contact page.


To find out more about WFCRP history click here to view an index of all WFCRP Conferences.



©1943-2025 Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology

Contact Us

FCRP Co-Clerks
P. O. Box 72.     Gwynedd Valley, PA  19437

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